Design and Technology
Design and Technology
"It's not just about ideas, it's about making ideas happen!"
You will see our curriculum principles in all of our DT work.
R -Rich Vocabulary
E – Experiential
A – Aspiration
L – Life Skills
Rich Vocabulary
Design and Technology is often is linked to our enquiry: this allows the development of transferable, rich vocabulary that is read in books, taught and then applied within design and technology. As well as using subject specific vocabulary that the children will become immersed in during the teaching of Design and Technology. Furthermore, we use Widget to make vocabulary accessible through the use of dual coding.
There are many opportunities for learning to be experiential in Design and Technology. Experiential learning starts from nursery where in the autumn term, children have weekly cooking enrichment choices, this continues all year. In foundation Stage, children make wooden frames to display the art work in which is then presented in a whole school art gallery. In year 1, the children create model transport, which enhancers their topic of transport. These are then showcased to parents. In year 2, children create mine carts, again enhancers their topic of mining. Year 3 visit a pizza making restaurant and explore how the food is sourced. Year 4 create bags our of felt that they can then test. Year 5 look at the Brazilian rainforest and evaluate food from Brazil. Year 6 compare inventions such as the air raid shelter and look how the design has changed.
Through the DT curriculum, children build on skills and have the use of a range of tools, such as kitchen equipment, sandpaper, saws, glue guns, sewing equipment, levers, pulleys and wheels etc.,
During the teaching of Design and Technology, children will be introduced to famous inventors, designers and researches that they are able to make links with and hopefully become inspired by them.
Our children will hold high aspirations for themselves, and the local community. They will understand the importance of not giving up and demonstrate resilience when faced with difficulties; knowing the importance of striving for our goals. They will be prepared for the next stage of their journey and be equipped to make choices about their future aspirations. By teaching Design an Computing regularly, our children aspire to develop their skills and build their knowledge ready for Design and Technology at secondary school.
Life Skills
Our children will be equipped with the life skills to enable them to make choices that will keep them safe in the wider world. They will make a positive contribution to and be for prepared for life in the modern world.
We have a D.T room where children are able to complete their DT learning in a practical environment. The room has tables and stools deigned for STEM learning. The resources are arranged so that children build on their independence and are able to access them when needed. They take responsibility for the tools in the DT room and this sets the culture and helps children to value the subject.
Whilst learning subject-specific content throughout Design and Technology, we build in opportunities for the children to reflect on the learning, through authentic outcomes: how this knowledge can impact them or their community today and how we can use it to make the world a better place.
For example, to produce a finished product, whether it is food or a model. These are then evaluated and reflected upon.