Hawthorne's Governors
What do School Governors do?
All of our governors attend a full governing body meeting each term. Additionally, each governor belongs to one of our two committees:
- Pupils and Strategic Committee
- Finance and Personnel Committee
There are three main responsibilities for governing bodies as a whole.
Ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction – The governing body should agree the strategic priorities, aims and objectives for the school and agree the policies, pland and targets for how to achieve them. They should monitor progress and review regularly their strategic framework for the school in the light of the progress.
Hold the head teacher to account – It is the role of the governing body to support and strengthen the head teacher’s leadership and to hold them to account for the performance of pupils and staff. This is particularly important in relation to the educational performance of the school.
Oversee school finances – governing bodies are responsible for making sure their school’s money is well spent. They should do this by ensuring they have al least one governor with specific skills and experience of financial matters and by asking questions.
The full governing body meets at least once a full term (3 times a year) – all members attend these meetings. In addition, each committee meets termly; members of the respective committees attend these. Record of attendance is kept for all meetings. All governors are currently members of both of the committees.
Governors also regularly attend monitoring visits to the school, staff training and INSET sessions and a wide range of governor training courses.
Each governor has a link role within school. Some of these are connected to our School Improvement Plan and some are statutory. The roles include:
- Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Health and Safety
- Complaints
- Governor Training
- Appraisal and Performance Management
- Data and Assessment
- Pupil Premium/Performance of Groups
- Maths/English/Theme book and work monitoring/Pupil Interviews/Moderation
Safeguarding procedures and checks are carried out on all members of the governing body.
Our Governors can be contacted through the school office.
Roles of our Governors
Our Chair of Governors is Mrs J Kirkwood.
Our Vice Chair of Governors is Mr M Pugh.
The chair of the Strategic Committee is Miss L Smith.
The chair of the Finance Committee is Mrs J Kirkwood.
Mr J Ashworth
Mr L Maddock
Miss L Smith
Miss S Bointon
Mr M Pugh (vice chair)
Mrs L Jordan (deputy headteacher)
Meet Our Governors

Scheme of delegation
Roles and responsibilities of our Governing body
Minutes from committee meetings
If you would like to read the minutes from any of the committee meetings, please ask at the school office.
If you would like to view the latest financial governors' statement, please make an appointment with Mrs Atherley at the office.