Late/Absence Procedures
At Hawthorne Primary and Nursery School we believe in promoting excellent attendance and punctuality for all of our pupils, in order for them to make the most of the opportunities that school has to offer. We believe that regular attendance is vitally important in promoting successful learning, as well as developing good habits required for adult life. It has been proven that attainment can be closely linked to attendance and in order to achieve their full potential, children should aim for the highest attendance possible.
We recognise that there are occasions when pupils are likely to be absent from school at some time; we expect all children aim for the highest attendance possible, with a minimum of 96% attendance each academic year.
School Hours
Start of the day: 8.50am
End of the day: 3.20pm
Celebrating Attendance at Hawthorne
- We award a weekly class attendance during our whole school assembly, every Friday
- We have a half termly reward for the class who have the best attendance
- We give certificates, praise and additional rewards
- We have a display board in school celebrating good attendance
When is a child too ill to come to school?
We know that illness is sometimes unavoidable and to be expected. However it is very important to inform the school as soon as possible on the first day of absence, letting them know the reason, by phone, email, letter or in person at the school office so that the absence is authorised. Not all illnesses need time off school. This is a useful NHS guide on whether or not children can come into school with different types of illnesses.
What is authorised and unauthorised absence?
Authorised Absence:
An absence is authorised when a pupil has been absent from school for a legitimate reason and the school has received notification from a parent/carer. Only the school can make an absence authorised. Parents/carers do not have this authority.
Absences may be authorised for occasional sickness, medical or dental appointments that cannot be arranged outside school hours and where parents/carers are able to demonstrate that every effort has been made to arrange these at other times.
Unauthorised Absence:
An absence is classified as un authorised when a pupil has been absent from school without the permission of both the school and a parent. An absence is unauthorised if a pupil is absent from school without good reason, even with the support of a parent.
Attendance and Punctuality Tips!
- Get book bags and clothes ready the night before to speed up the morning routine
- Make sure your child is in bed at a reasonable time
- Let your child's teacher know if you or they are having problems getting up for school
- Make routine appointments e.g. dentist, during the holidays or after school
- Book holidays outside of term time
- Talk to your child about how important it is to attend school
- Inspire them to think about what they would like to be when they grow up, and how school can help with that
Links to the attendance toolkit and the new code of conduct –
The Nottinghamshire Code of Conduct sets out the arrangements by which fines will be issued in a fair and transparent manner.
Appealing against a Penalty Notice fine
There is no right of appeal to the local authority against an Education Penalty Notice