PSHE is learning all about ourselves
Our curriculum principles, REAL, thread through our RHE curriculum.
R -Rich Vocabulary
E – Experiential
A – Aspiration
L – Life Skills
Rich Vocabulary:
In PSHE rich vocabulary underpins our planning. Every child is expected to know the correct vocabulary so they can effectively communicate their thoughts and ideas. Our curriculum is carefully planned, through high quality resources and experiences, so that children develop their vocabulary and apply it to different experiences. The component knowledge lists the important vocabulary for each topic.
Our children are provided with real memorable experiences to really develop their cultural capital. For example, at Hawthorne we have anti-bullying award training, playground buddies, mental health workshops with Notts County, and we raise awareness during mental health week. We also have sports leaders and a debate club. In year 6 the children also follow the DARE programme. There is also Boccia club for those children that need support to develop their confidence. We have also attended ‘Show Racism the Red Card’ with some of our children in years 5 and 6.
We also have assemblies on our characteristics, celebrate World Children’s day and take part in Anti-bullying week and Remembrance day.
In terms of aspiration, our children will hold high aspirations for themselves and the local community. They will understand the importance of not giving up and demonstrate resilience when faced with difficulties; knowing the importance of striving for our goals. They will be prepared for the next stage of their journey and be equipped to make choices about their future aspirations. Our characteristics are displayed in school.. Every year we have Scarf workshops for both the teachers and children. We also promote improving our own environment and community through litter picks and having a community bread wrapper bin.
Life Skills
Our children will be equipped with the life skills to enable them to make choices that will keep them safe in the wider world. They will make a positive contribution to and be prepared for life in the modern world. Our curriculum is an enquiry curriculum and we have progression in our KKPD’s across the school. This will help our children understand the uses and implications of RHE, today and for the future. In year 5 they helped raise money for endangered animals in the rainforest as part of their enquiry. They had to design what they were going to do and implement it.